Integerated Community Development
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The society is the composition of different communities by adding the values of integrated community development at micro level; the results can be seen at social/macro level in the society.
In the follow up of ensuring implementation of millennium development goals (MDGs) human development is very important pillar of rights. Each and every citizen has clearly defined rights of their development through facilitation of quality education, access to quality health services, physical infrastructure provision and sustainable environmental protection society. All these initiatives cannot be ensured/ implemented without networking and community mobilization.
Achievements of Hwa Foundation
Project Title | Main Activities | Duration | Beneficiaries | Funded by | Amount |
Research on education: The impacts of devolution on education | Research, interviews with stakeholders, FGDs, & situation analyses forums | 2006-07 | 230 | PCE | 158,200 |
Global education Week | Seminars, raillies, walks & Protest | 2005-June 2014 | 1224 | PCE | 60,000 |
Adult Literacy | Established 25 Centers | 2006-07 | 928 | NCHD | 320000 |
ASER survey | Every year survey of 30 schools & Villages on quality education | 2007-2012 | 8000 | ITA/SAFED | 980000 |
Community Pry school | Established 05 Primary Schools | 2010-June 2014 | 287 | OPP-RTI, Hwa & Community | 320000 |
Community Middle school | Established Middle School | 2010-June 2014 | 404 | SEF | 1696800 |
Community High School | Established High School | 2012-June 2014 | 300 | Hwa | 2160000 |
WASH | Construction of 300 pit latrines, 200 bathing places. Installed of 6 water bladders and of 40 Hand pumps. | 2010-2011 | 1094 | UNICEF | 1664000 |